Legacy Leaders of the
Edward E. Rankin Society
Alumni, faculty, staff, retirees, and friends are building the future of The University of Texas at Arlington through their estate gifts. These gifts will take yearseven decadesto come to the University. However, in their present and future form they are significant. Estate gifts represent the donor's vision and commitment that this special place will thrive and grow vibrantly in all areas through student scholarships, outstanding teaching, cutting-edge research, and state-of-the-art campus facilities. In an effort to recognize and thank all who have established estate gifts, UT Arlington has an estate gift recognition society, Legacy Leaders of the Edward E. Rankin Society.
Who was Edward E. Rankin and why was his name chosen for this important recognition? Mr. Rankin was a business and civic leader who was a driving force behind the 1895 founding of Arlington College, the institution from which UT Arlington traces its beginnings. He didn't teach or administrate, but he was the person behind the scenes who "pulled the pieces together." Rankin collaborated with community members to fund and build the fledgling college and was called "a mover and a shaker." He was a successful businessman, opening Rankin Hardware Company in Arlington, and served as the city's first justice-of-the-peace. He worked diligently to make Arlington a better place to live and donated land, money, his time and talent to churches and service organizations as well as to Arlington College. He championed the idea of bringing quality education to the community leading to what is now The University of Texas at Arlington.
Source: Transitions: A Centennial History of The University of Texas at Arlington, 1895-1995 by Gerald D. Saxon
Edward E. Rankin was the first in a long line of leaders who would shape UT Arlington's future. Those who have established estate gifts are continuing that "long line," and we are deeply grateful.
Living Your Legacy Now!
For questions regarding gift and estate planning at UTA please contact the Office of Gift and Estate Planning for Gift and Estate Planning, for further information or planning assistance at [email protected] or (817) 272-2344.